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The Original Drainage Cell since 1986

The Flo-Cell® drainage system is flagship product invented and developed by the founder of the company in 1986. The product was developed to facilitate adding roof top gardens and planter boxes to building construction without adding heavy aggregate as drainage that placed severe limitations on the structural design of the building. The product provided a structurally strong structure, highly effective drainage and lightweight properties that was so successful that the drainage cell became an landscaping industry standard.

The Flo-Cell® Drainage Cell is available in the following sizes;

  • 20 mm
  • 30 mm
  • 52 mm

The Flo-Cell® range is a versatile product suitable for many applications including the drainage of sports fields, civil works, retaining walls and landscaping applications. The Flo-Cell® is also ideally suited for WSUD (Water Sensitive Urban Design) applications and provides and ideal use for increasing the permeability of ground areas which reduces overland flow and facilitates groundwater recharge.

Benefits :

  • Rapid Drainage
    Efficiently drains excess water while retaining an optimum moisture level – ideal for promoting plant growth in planter box and roof garden applications
  • Lightweight
    No cranes or lifting equipment required
  • Strong Structural Design
    Structurally engineered to be used in drainage-critical applications such as planter boxes and roof gardens.
  • Versatile Design
    The Flo-Cell® products can be installed horizontally or vertically and are easily configured to meet project specifications.
  • Quick Installation
    Faster installation than traditional aggregate drainage systems.
  • High Infiltration
    90% void ratio.
  • Biological Resistant
    The product is indefinitely resistant to biological contaminants.

Flo-Cell® Specifications

20mm Flo-Cell® drainage cell
Size 20mm (H) x 400mm (W) 620mm (L)
Compressive Strength 90 t/m2
Flow Rate 0.65 L/s/m @ 1% gradient
30mm Flo-Cell® drainage cell
  Size 30mm (H) x 400mm (W) 620mm (L)
Compressive Strength 90.34 t/m2
Flow Rate 1.41 L/s/m @ 1% gradient
52mm Flo-Cell® drainage cell
Size 52mm (H) x 260mm (W) 480mm (L)
Compressive Strength 130.6 t/m2
Flow Rate 2.65 L/s/m @ 1% gradient
General Product Properties
Material 85% Recycled Polypropylene, 15% Proprietary Materials
Colour Black
Void Ratio >90%
Biological Resistance Not affected by biological activity.
Chemical Resistance Excellent resistance to Acids, Alcohols, Bases and Mineral Oils. Good resistance
to Aldehydes, Esters, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, Ketones and Vegetable Oils.
Recommended Service Temperature -10ºC to 70ºC